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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Only Human

I've believed there are two kinds of people in the world, the ones who make their decisions and the ones who let things and other people make decisions for them.
Only recently i have begun doubting that belief...I've come to realize that there are those who make a decision for themselves and then have no choice but to live with the circumstances. A strange mix of the two...and strangely...I find that I am one of these people...

These are the people who regret things...sometimes they're what they like to call themselves, 'Fighters' and sometimes they'r only human and break down, even after fighting for a lost cause...
I come under the second category...My breakdown of course is totally and completely my doing....had i not made these decisions for myself I would have had good reason to blame fate and destiny...either way i would've broken down.
But if I had left it to fate and destiny then I would have suffered slowly, because i'd still be stuck in the same old rut...
With every heart burn and break and make, you learn something... decisions you make are only just a facade....A way of telling yourself that you are in control of your life...we're far from it...

There is nothing such as control...Here is where fate and destiny and everything I don't believe in messes with you...
We may make decisions for ourselves and move on and move out and move into something new that we decided we want...we've got it figured out in the head, but we're still messed up in the heart...

There are those who listen to their heart and those who listen to both their hearts and their heads...
I don't believe that anyone can listen to just their head...
I fall in the category i don't believe in...and not because i don't have a heart...
its because i chose not to be a fool...
I make the decisions and then live with where it takes me...
I may not show it, but i am only human...


Rucha said...

I believe in you Trisha, and that no one can think and live with only using their head

Sometimes doing what makes you happy in harder than doing what is while you may be won't be right for the long run..

But nothing can stop the want..the sheer pain of it..I totally understand :)

Krit K said...

Wow.. I felt that. Think I fall in the third category as well.

What matters is that you go where you want to go, even knowing that it may not be safe, and accept the messes you make.

Sounds silly, but takes a brave heart to do that. And since cowardice is such a sad way to live, cheers to a lot many more out-of-control situations and mistakes we CHOOSE to make! :)

DragonflY said...

Krit... like they say, "The brave may not live for long, but the cowards don't live at all"'s to walking in the same boots... :)

DragonflY said...
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