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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The After Taste...

The silence of the empty room was to loud to bare. She walked around in high heels, smoke in hand and blew out another impatient puff. Disoriented and hollow, her lonely voice laughed softly. She asked herself some questions... 'Was it real? Was this the last time? Was it for the good? Was it one sided?'
She wanted her answers. She didn't hear his voice. There were no answers. He had already left and she'd missed her chance.
Slowly she packed her bags. It seemed painfully slow. This couldn't pass soon enough. 
Two days had just gone by, two days of having him by her side. Of peacefully resting her head on his chest, of smiling down at beautiful brown eyes that hid so much. Two days that would never be enough for all that she wanted to share with him.
She didn't know where to begin. She'd never been all over the place like this before. 
Picking up the dress off the floor she brought it to her face. It had the fragrance of hope. She smiled as she pictured him sitting there, teasing her for being a mess.
She sat down... the bed was still undone. He'd been here just long enough to leave memories of a lifetime.
She dialed the helpline. 'Guest services, how may I help you?' 
She wondered if she really did need help. Could anybody help her at this point?
'Ma'am hello? How may I help you?'
She shook her head, fully aware of the answer to that question and answered. 'I need to change rooms, now.'...

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