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Monday, March 3, 2008


In the beginning,it was simple.There was Adam and there was Eve. One woman for one man. Their one goal: increasing the population of our kind.
That was it, just their one goal for gettin together.
No complications, no love issues or possesiveness, no jealousy, no nagging, no ex-partners, no concept of having more than one partner, nothing! Just plain simple one on one, man to woman relationship! Lucky shits!

Cut to, there is such a huge sea to fish in! Our one main goals is to find love, we get so lost when it comes to love, most of us are too scared or too open. We run away when some one wants to hold onto us bcoz they love us and dunt want to lose us, yeh right! gimme the first exit, he/she is crazy possesive!
Then there is the other kind "he loves me (sigh) he loves me not, okay lets sleep with him/her and find out?" todays times the later is usually the case. Remind me again, why are we all looking for love?

quite conctrary to those times, there are barely any one to one relationships today, its a much more complex system now. We date and discard, we have flings and "things" and make human errors all the time blaming it on the pther person. I mean literally, HUMAN errors.
Are u surprised at the population?
Its trial and error all our freaking lives!
Why cudnt we have been sent to earth in pairs! (No, I didnt watch Hancock.) It wud save the trouble of looking for this so called love. And maybe this dam world wud have place for the next generation!

If we didnt have a choice and got stuk with the one fuk we were sent to earth with, would we have cheated on them for a better fucker? Literally.
Would we still have been on a trial and error process, wud we still look for love knowing we didnt have a choice? Are we that lonely?

Are we that insane a species that we cannot be content?
OH, who knows!!!!
Maybe I'm just talking about myself or maybe I'm in a really bad mood!