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Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Women lie to each other all the time.
Here’s a truth the fairer sex cannot escape.

We falsely give hope and encourage one another to make complete asses of ourselves. “He’ll call you” or the famous, “He’s playing hard to get cause he really likes you”.
We have our heads wrapped around fairy tale fantasies of princes and princesses, of thin waist lines and magical kisses, of white knights and happy endings.
Pardon the rain on your sunny day, but let's face it; it’s not an ending if it’s happy. We routinely believe in 'happily ever after', but we don’t know what that ‘after’ really holds for the two characters or what ‘happy’ really means.

Call me a hypocrite or a cynic (if you please) but women are delusional, including yours truly.
Karma doesn’t work when your lying you know, just cause you say “Oh my god! you look so thin”, doesn’t mean its coming right back at you and it sure as hell doesn't go into your good deeds account.
When was the last time you looked your girlfriend in the eye and told her, ‘You look hideous today’ or ‘go for a walk, you need it’.
Who is going to tell us to stop being so dam fake and sugar coated if not us?

Thankfully there are a few of our kind who dare to step out of the stereotype. You know the one which has rules about how we treat one another.
1) Never be to harsh, you don’t want to hurt her feelings
2) Your supposed to see the best in her
3) Protect her from any harm

Question…How will she learn if she doesn’t get hurt? Who, if not you, will point out her faults and do you really want her to believe that something’s great when its not?
Do we WANT to dupe other women by being polite?
Isn’t it unfair to do this to ourselves? Forgive my pity for our sex but it is pathetic. We find ways to make it okay for each other and pretend that everything is going to be fine.

The ones who stick out, popularly known as the ‘BITCHES’ are really the ones you want to be friends with. You’ll find, the ones that know how to shoot the truth, are least appealing
These are the ones who will say, ‘your boyfriend is a jerk, what’re you doing with him?’ or ‘Stop it, he doesn’t like you, in fact he loathes you’. My personal favorite are the ones that go, “So stop complaining and get on the treadmill!”

Here's my advice, to those heroic enough to take it, get your self a bunch of ‘bitches’. It may not sound very attractive, but trust me; it helps in the long run. (I'm always optimistic.)
You may start seeing the reality of everything once they (if you can’t see for yourself) show you.
We need to snap out of wonderland and hit reality. See things for what they are, for what WE are.
And reality girls, is that it’s much healthier to have a REAL bitch than a fake one.

Knock yourselves out ladies, because the bitch brigade is here.

P.S. – Love my bitches.