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Friday, January 9, 2009


Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus they say.
Who says?

Are men and women really as different as they’re made out to be?
Men are the office goers, BUT…
In the corporate world today, women rule the roost as much as men and the battle of the sexes seem to be taking a new direction. Wake up chauvinists, we have a woman president! And ICICI just appointed their third woman CEO. (Smile)
Women walk into offices with great élan and many-a-time get more work done than men. It’s probably because we don’t think of sex every two minutes.

As the female sect climbs the corporate ladder the men seem to be busy taking care of them selves. Yes, the metro-sexual man is here, who said only women worry over their appearance?
Men are hitting the parlours in hoards, getting facials and pedicures and what not. To prove it further we have our very own counterpart ‘Fairness’ cream for men, and its selling by the dozen says the banya waala below my building.
As if that wasn’t enough, men sit shoulder to shoulder with our lot and critically eye our hair dos. Yeah right, like you guys ever have bad hair days!

The one room in the house that men seem to be better in than women is the kitchen!
Men are better cooks than women says, GQ magazine and a kazallion other research sites. Is it any wonder then, that we have a male dominated kitchen at food joints and 5 stars, with their chefs being mostly men I wonder why women do the cooking at home?

Outer appearance and work trends are not the only things making a switch with the sexes.
The new saying is, ‘Tears are the mark of masculinity and so are pink shirts.’
Wasn’t pink THE girl colour? Up until yesterday, I couldn’t find a single shop that sold pink to boys and now they line up for pink shirts and tees and what not.
And by the way ladies, next time you’re on a date at the movies, carry a handkerchief. You never know when the guy in the next seat begins to bawl.

Coming to, the last straw: feelings.
Emotionally we’re all fools, be it Adam or Eve. There’s no making fun of feelings, that’s just cruel, and I’m no Cruella. Although we pretend to never really understand our spouse or the other half that this worlds made of we’re all human (hate to admit it).
We all laugh, we cry, we biker, we love, we fight, we forgive and forget.
It’s a cant live or without them situation. And try as we might to evade this and pretend not to give a shit, at some level we NEED the other half.
And so maybe we’re not all that different from the each other. Maybe the great divide is a gigantic piece of our imagination.

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