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Saturday, March 20, 2010

For All the Unanswered Questions

“You’re lying Trisha”
No I’m not
“Yes, you are!”
Alright I am…
“When did you move on?”
I didn’t move on
“You just said so yourself!”
If you think I’m lying then why are you asking me?
“Because I can’t and I never could tell when you’re lying”
It’s because you’ve never known me…truly known me…
“When Trisha?...WHEN!”
Why are you yelling?
“Because you’re lying with a straight face”
I’m not lying with a straight face….I’m just calm
“Yeah right! Everything…you take everything for granted.
I did…I don’t anymore, I’m too careful now
“Careful?!!! You have been reckless, impulsive and you’ve been all over the place!”
I have been reckless, impulsive and all over the place…
“Why the fuck are you repeating everything I’m saying?”
I’m not; it’s what I’m saying…
“You’ve never thought for yourself …always listened to those who influence you”
I’ve never listened to anyone
“Including me, you’ve never listened to me either….”
I never will
“See, you’re such a stubborn bitch!”
Always…always have been
“Why are you talking like this?”
I’m being normal; I’m making an effort, why are you still yelling?
“Are you crazy? I haven’t been yelling”
I can hear you…
“You hear and never fucking listen! You’re always lying to me…when the fuck did you move on? And to whom?”
I haven’t moved on…
“Who is he?”
I don’t know
“He’s just using you! Can’t you see…”
Who are you talking about…
“The guy…”
The guy I have moved on to…
“Yes that guy! He’s going to hurt you…”
But I haven’t moved on…
“Why are you lying again….?!”
When have you ever believed me…when have you ever listened to me...When did I move on? WHO did you hear from?!
I haven’t moved on…you have….
and I’m the one that’s lying…..

PS- i walked away from the mirror

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