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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

25 things...

Ok, let’s see…here are 25 things you probably didn’t know about me….

1. I hate the flavour Chocolate, I’d much rather pick vanilla or a fruity flavour.
So the next time u guys are buying my birthday cake, you know what Not to get!

2 My first love is not/was not and will never be a person. I’ve been in love with
dancing ever since I can remember…it’s my first love!

3 Most of you wouldn’t know much as I may come across as a hip-hop
person..I’m actually a classical ballet dancer. I started ballet at the age of
seven and carried on for six years, but unfortunately I had to stop!

4. I had to stop dancing ballet because I broke my ankle playing football in school
in the ninth standard. That is the only reason I stopped ballet.

5. I always wanted to attend ABC, American Ballet Company and wanted to be a
professional ballet dancer.

6. You’d never guess unless you were from my school, that I was nominated for the
Head Girl position against one other girl…yeah I know...under all the party girl
image is a ‘serious’ girl.

7. For those who have sat in the passenger seat, you’re the witness…..I Love singing
loudly (along with the radio / c.d.) while I’m driving and sometimes do a little
step or jig with my hands…I’ve scandalized a policeman once when I was driving
and dancing.

8. I used to be a tom boy...when I was younger…I only wore loose pants and t-shirts,
beat up guys and never grew my hair!!!!.....I think that’s why mummy put me in

9. I’ve had my heart broken pretty badly…so much so that I went overboard with the
over eating and put on 9 kg’s….been desperately trying to loose the weight since

10. When I’m really pissed off….I CRY.

11. I love traveling….I want to see the world…mostly ‘third world’ countries as they
are called.

12. I’m a very sensitive person….I won’t show it but little things, words and
gestures can affect me like crazyyyy…

13. I put friends before family….and my mom pointed this out even when I didn’t
realize it…I tend to be there for friends who I love very much more than family…
I’m a peoples person…I hate not being around my friends…

14. I collect stickers…I have this insane sticker book…it has all the cartoon
characters, like tom and jerry, little mermaid…I pick up stickers whenever and
wherever I can.

15. I am very very patient, I can take things till it reaches the brim…but if u get
beyond that point….stay away from me…I’m a different person when I’m angry..

16. If I’m hurt…then I tend to disconnect from the world…I’ve lost many friends
because of this, but I still love them very much…they don’t understand that I
need the space and I’m usually scared to sort things out…so sometimes I just cut-

17. I love surprises...the good kind...and i love art and craft..

18. I’m a football fan….Correction…Chelsea fan!!! .I used to play for school and
after school as well.

19. I love old hindi songs….and I know the lyrics to almost all old hindi songs…

20. My best year In college…was the first year of junior college in HR….when I met
amrita, harsh, ruksheen and gang and discovered freedom…and partying….!!

21. I’m a clean freak!...I hate seeing things dirty…ask any room mate…I have
actually cleaned the bathroom at a hotel on the Goa I.V…i also carry hand
santizer everywhere i go

22. I love outdoor sports…I enjoy trekking, rappelling, river crossing and mountain
climbing…as a kid I went to outdoor camps every summer. once i had to melt snow
to have a bath after four days at this one camp..

23. I survived the Tsunami…was in Sri Lanka when it happened…the hotel I was in sank
cause it was on a sand bar…and my family and 1 barely got out…

24. I have a huge phobia of the open sea…not being on the surface...but being in the
water and not seeing anything around but water….oh and I’m shit scared of moths
and butterflies…

25. my Pet name is Kitu...



KP said...

hmmm.. it ws nice reading abt you... from this i can say u think alot.. u actually think about each & every think u r around..

DragonflY said...

True KP...