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Monday, August 25, 2008

Over the city

"Why does this ALWAYS happen Trisha?", my very frustrated friend was reflecting my feelings over the phone last night. "What is with the timing?! Just when your in a relationship you get a 1000 people hitting on you! And ironically its the kind you would want to date! Shit!"
I was smiling at this end, I knew exactly how he felt. With a stroke of very bad luck, it happened that I began to crush on somebody, not exactly the perfect time to, but you really you can't help these things...
"I blush like a twelve year old ya!", he continued to whine. I so badly wanted to say 'DITTO' but right now I couldn't burden him with my problems...
I figured, outing my emtions in another way would do it, but I couldn't stop smiling while writing this....

As I sat on a ledge over the city

I realised I was way out of time

But time had stopped, the clock had turned and

all I coulld see were eyes of the deepest earth

I couldn't breathe, it flushed my cheeks and I wanted to let out a sigh

I couldn't move, it would kill the mood

It felt like heaven, I'd died

Then it hit home, and I felt guilt

It should not have been just now

I was falling through space

With no freefall and i knew i would hit a wall

I couldn't care less, it felt like bliss

And I'd felt these feelings before

On a window at 3, he sat by me

He talked and I listened with awe

The lights, the honks, the siren cries

All died in the background with ease

I drowned my ears in a voice like silk

And breath that felt like warm breeze

A foreign sound that met here's ground

The blend just blew me away

It was the first and it's back again

This time around the feelings will stay

1 comment:

BIG Omi said...

* claps*

That was awwwsumm